Free to Be - Free Kindle Promo!

Promo FlyerThis Wednesday, August 27th, we will be offering Kaleesha’s book, “Free to Be” as a free Kindle download. Normally $7.99. About the book:

This is not a book about how to get out of religion or how to prove there is no God or how to become a humanist. This book is a collection of one woman’s thoughts over the course of one year as her life changed and her freedom evolved, as she worked her way out of religious bondage, as she decided there probably is no God and considered why mankind wants one (or two or three), as she explored her freedoms, her past, her future, her culture and her universe. Her religion permeated every aspect of her life and therefore the removal of it also deeply affected every aspect. From her small home in rural Missouri Kaleesha invites you into the innermost areas of her life with warm, personal style. Bits of wit, sadness, beauty and sarcasm abound as she examines the nuances of creating a new life for herself free from the expectations of God. Surrounded by children, goats, chickens, friends and family she sorts through her relationships and perceptions of herself, her fellow creatures and the cosmos. This book is an engaging exploration of life, teeming with thoughtful and honest questions about what it means to be human.
To sweeten the deal, after you read it she’ll be sharing a preview of the first chapter of her second book if you leave a review on Amazon.

Episode 5 of our podcast Rhubarb and Sam

This week in Rhubarb and Sam, discussing community, connecting and not connecting. In particular, feeling connected to our new friends in England even as we feel disconnected locally. Being atheists in a conservative Christian community can often be a strange experience with few community connections. We work to cultivate and nurture the few that we have.

Please note that you can subscribe to the podcast in several ways:

At the iTunes store via this link.
If you are using an RSS reader or podcast app use this link.

Thanks and enjoy!

Murder in Ferguson?

It seems to me that this officer needs to be put on trial for murder. As has been said by many already, the militarized police in the U.S. are out of control. They’ve seemingly forgotten that they work for us, they are public servants. Or at least that’s what we tell ourselves. The truth lurking at the edge of the room is that they exist to enforce obedience. It is a system of command and control. I wonder, who is the authority in such a system?
Freedom is just a long leash in a country with the highest rate of citizen incarceration in the world.

John Oliver on Ferguson and the Police

Fantastic. If you’ve been watching the mess in Ferguson this is worth a watch. John Oliver gets it exactly right.

Great Tomatoes!

Big tomatoes! These are some amazing plants we have this year! We’ve got great soil which we’ve made better with plenty of composted goat manure and hay. Really good stuff. No sign of tomatoe hornworms yet but I’m sure they’ll show eventually.
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