I rearranged and refreshed the hugelculture beds in my garden a few days ago and found these under a half rotted log. Not sure about the white ones but the other is
Sarcoscypha coccinea, commonly known as the scarlet elf cup, or the scarlet cup.

An interesting patch of moss and lichen near the trail on my morning walk. The lichen appears to be taking over the moss.

I almost missed this fallen branch covered in Luminescent Panelus, Panellus stipticus. Such a fascinating world if we take the time to see it.

With last night’s rain and the soft light this morning the fungi, lichen and moss really popped out at me during my morning trail walk.
Luminescent Panellus, Panellus stipticus and Eastern speckled shield lichen, Punctelia bolliana
Sternum ostrea, false turkey-tail
Tremella mesentercia, witch’s butter
Tiny little Splitgill mushrooms, Schizophyllum commune. So tiny but both the top and bottom sides are full of texture.
Trail photos!
Hydrastis canadensis, Goldenseal
Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae, the fungi that causes apple cedar rust. Such a strange and beautiful fungi!
A few recent photos taken around the cabin and on the trail.
Camonotus castaneus, chestnut carpenter ant

Arilus cristatus, Wheel Bug Nymph. This one was tiny and moving quickly hard to capture up close.

Ramaria caulifloriformis, coral fungi

From today's trail ride.
Ramaria caulifloriformis, coral fungi

Cortinarius distans or Laccaria, not sure!

Auricularia americana, jelly tree ear or Auricularia auricula, wood ear. According to Wikipedia the first grows on broadleaf trees but is confined to Europe. The second grows on conifers and can be found in North America. These were found on the trunk remains of a broadleaf tree in North America.
Pleurotus ostreatus, the oyster mushroom, oyster fungus, or hiratake, is a common edible mushroom. #mushtodon #sporespondence #edible

Macrolepiota procera, the parasol mushroom, is a basidiomycete fungus with a large, prominent fruiting body resembling a parasol. #mushtodon #sporespondence

Mycena galericulata is a mushroom species also known as the common bonnet, the toque mycena, the common mycena or the rosy-gill fairy helmet.

Galerina marginata, known as funeral bell, deadly skullcap, autumn skullcap or deadly galerina, is a species of extremely poisonous mushroom-forming fungus.