Volunteer squash in my garden. I think it’s a pumpkin though I have no idea where the seed would have come from.
I ride lots of quiet county roads and while I love the landscape of rural Missouri, I no longer view the small churches that dot the roads as quaint. They are, increasingly, the grassroots of Christian fascism.
Enjoying morning rides again. Casual pace, 40 minutes, 4 miles. Had a chat with a goose, watched the sunrise. Nice to start the day off with exercise and pretty views.
Morning Ride After taking a few months off from cycling to focus on various landscaping projects I decided it was time to ride again. Just two 4 mile rides a day meets my exercise goal and it’s a pretty ride.
It’s a given that if I try to get anything done Rosie will come over and attempt to plop down on my keyboard. Happy Caturday!
Melanoplus punctulatus, known generally as the pine tree spur-throat grasshopper or grizzly spur-throat grasshopper, is a species of spur-throated grasshopper in the family Acrididae.
Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus, desert-chicory
A species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to the southern United States found in prairies, clay soils and disturbed habitats.Looking south (from North America) at this time of year is looking towards the center of our galaxy. The milky clouds are the dense stars, gas and dust in the disk of the galaxy. Photo taken with the iPhone 13 Pro.
Orchard Orbweaver, Leucauge venusta. In the last image the spider has a captured tick in it's web.