A beautiful yellow slime mold! I love the details of the little ruffles and the threads attaching to the leaves.
Guessing I missed out on all the snarky bullshit the Apple nerds have been cleverly spouting for the past few hours. No, wait, actually, I didn't miss it. I spent the time more wisely, harvesting plums from the fruit tree in my yard. Far sweeter than the sourness I would've been subjected to.
If I’m in the cabin my favorite place to work is the futon and Rosie’s favorite place is my lap. A stand to suspend the iPad above her provides a partial solution though I still have difficulty positioning the keyboard and trackpad. 🤣
I rearranged and refreshed the hugelculture beds in my garden a few days ago and found these under a half rotted log. Not sure about the white ones but the other is Sarcoscypha coccinea, commonly known as the scarlet elf cup, or the scarlet cup.
It has begun! I found this year's cicadas in my garden this morning. Magicicada septendecim, sometimes called the Pharaoh cicada or the 17-year locust, is native to Canada and the United States and is the largest and most northern species of periodical cicada with a 17-year lifecycle.
I never noticed that when magnified some of the Calyptra (oval ends of sporophytes) look a little bit like long sharp teeth!
A new-to-me moss, Plagiomnium cuspidatum. Very pretty with smooth, thin leaves.
Seen on the trail today, a zebra swallowtail! Saw a red spot purple on the walk yesterday. And the small flowers are starting to pop up above the leaves.
Rue anemone
I opened photos to look for a photo and ended up at some older images.
My cabin in the evening.
Giving Petunia a neck scratch.
A sunset over the lake.
A perfect afternoon visiting the bees as they collected pollen from a flowering plum tree.
#nature #bees #spring #flowers
A variety of bees, flys and butterflies were busy pollinating the plum trees today - the western honey bees especially!
With the recent rain the moss and lichen are looking very lush.
#moss #mosstodon #lichen #lichensubscribe
An interesting patch of moss and lichen near the trail on my morning walk. The lichen appears to be taking over the moss.
Trying to sleep with two dogs and a cat. Last night was particularly fun. At 3:30 Cosmo (dog on left) decided to move closer. Annie in middle on her back. Cosmo's plan was to use Annie as a pillow. I was trying to take photos without waking.
Annie is now a pillow
Rosie on top of my arm.
A gall induced by Atrusca quercuscentricola, Spotted oak apple gall wasp. An egg is laid and after hatching the larvae signals the tree which produces a protective gall which contains a nutritious food source. At maturity in late November to early December it cut's a tiny hole and exits the gall.
Seen on my morning trail walk. From top to bottom: The gall of a Atrusca quercuscentricola Spotted oak apple gall wasp.
Cladonia portentosa Lichen