“The only landscape we know is something dead.”

Utah Youth Climate Activists Hold Wake for the Great Salt Lake – Mother Jones

Moss and a mushroom ☺️ Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric or fly amanita.

Interoperability — a fairly fundamental tenet of the Internet. Simply, it means that different applications and devices can share the same data with one another.

Keyword: Interoperability - Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure

Nate Hagens' podcast, The Great Simplification is always a deep, but very understandable and enjoyable dive into current, near and long term implications of how we’re living on the planet.

“Growth Until Not”

Douglas Rushkoff, “The Ultimate Exit Strategy”

A dark sky, full of stars with the milky white patches of the Milky Way galaxy

Looking south towards the center of the Milky Way (constellation Sagittarius), 10 second exposure with the iPhone 13 Pro. Amongst the stars are several cloudy patches that are either nebula or concentrated stars clusters.

Insects have weak ability to adjust their thermal limits to high temperatures and are thus more susceptible to global warming than previously thought.

Insects struggle to adjust to extreme temperatures making them vulnerable to climate change – ScienceDaily

High school senior Shiva Rajbhandari won elected office in Boise, defeating an incumbent school board trustee backed by local extremists

Idaho Far Right’s Election Loss to 18-Year-Old Climate Activist

We’re expecting in excess of 40,000 satellites in the next few years. Soon one out of every five objects you see in the night sky could be a satellite…

Fireball over Scotland was likely ‘space junk’ from SpaceX satellite | The Guardian

As someone who has enjoyed a daily walk for most of the past 30 years, I deeply enjoyed this.

We are asking what we can get out of a walk, rather than what a walk can get out of us. This might seem like a small distinction, a matter of semantics. But when we begin to think of walking in terms of the latter, we change the way we navigate and experience — literally and figuratively — the world around us.

To understand the difference, we need to ask more about what Mr. Lopez explained is the purpose of all this sensory input. “The purpose of such attentiveness is to gain intimacy, to rid yourself of assumption,” he wrote in his essay “A Literature of Place.”

When I first read that line, I’ll be honest, I didn’t get it. What does intimacy have to do with assumption? And what does walking have to do with intimacy? And what does “assumption” mean?

Opinion | The Transcendent Power of Walking - The New York Times

While the US still clings auto-based transport the world is moving on to the future.

While Paris has not been known as a cycle-friendly city, all that is changing, with some 50km of bike lanes added in the past few months alone.

The Paris Bicycle Boom - France Today

Prolonged droughts and insufficient moisture can contribute to a tipping event that transforms a rain forest ecosystem into an environment resembling a savanna. “Increasingly, if this drought intensity is above a certain threshold, then we have a straight transition from a forest state to this savanna state.

The Amazon Rain Forest Can’t Keep Up with Droughts - Eos

the large brown moth is on a tree. The lower wings are marked by prominent and very dark circles that look like eyes a large brown moth is on a tree the photos take it from the side the moth is very furry

Antheraea polyphemus, the Polyphemus moth, one of the giant silk moths. A beautiful moth, and so furry! 

A fungal disease that attacks while bats are hibernating has brought the tricolored bat to the brink of extinction.

Fish and Wildlife Service recommends tricolored bats for endangered species list : NPR

They won’t stop until they get some version of the Handmaid’s Tale. Republican senator Lindsey Graham to propose national abortion ban

This will be the sixth time Republican senator Lindsey Graham has introduced his national abortion ban in Congress, only now, the South Carolina lawmaker has made it even more strict.

A furry white caterpillar with light orange eyes and orange tufts near the head

Orange Tufted White Caterpillar - Halysidota harrisii Image quality holds up pretty well given that photo was taken with an iPhone 7 Plus, 2017-9-9.

A small experiment on a NASA rover is tinkering with the alien atmosphere.

Millions of miles away on Mars, in a barren crater just north of the equator, a rover is wandering around, carrying a gold-coated gadget the size of a toaster. The machine inhales the Martian air and strips away contaminants. It splits the atmospheric gas into constituent parts, takes what it needs, and then reassembles that blend to create something that is in very short supply on Mars: oxygen. Real, breathable oxygen, the kind you took in as you read these sentences.

After a bit of analysis, the machine puffs out the oxygen, harmlessly releasing the molecules into the Martian environment. The act makes this very sophisticated toaster, situated in the belly of NASA’s Perseverance rover, the closest thing to a small tree on Mars.

Just Like That, We’re Making Oxygen on Mars - The Atlantic

Jack Dorsey’s Former Boss Is Building A Decentralized Twitter

“The software we’re building, when we’re building decentralized social media, when we’re building new social media platforms, they need to be about people and human connection, not structuring our world through algorithms.”

My aunt often gifts me her extra homemade cookies. If they’re of the really crunchy or sweet variety I crumble one or two into a bowl of Malt-o-Meal (Cream of wheat) instead of adding any sugar. Works in oatmeal too. Makes for a fun, tasty way to reduce food waste!

It’s just symbolic but likely just the beginning of a larger, direct action movement that will be increasingly confrontational as conditions worsen. Emergency will become desperation. Climate Rebels Are “Disarming” Europe’s SUVs – Mother Jones