A tale of pies 

I love the Biotic Baking Brigade. There latest target? A reporter of the corporate media in San Francisco:

Coroporate Reporter Served Just Desserts

“The pie-throwing flan-archists of the Biotic Baking Brigade have struck again, this time targeting a corporate media reporter responsible for spewing misinformation about the massive anti-war protests in San Francisco. 

Phase I of the BBB’s “Operation: Shock & Awe” began at 7 pm on March 20. In the middle of blockaded Market Street in downtown San Francisco, outraged individuals surrounded KTVU Channel 2 reporter Jennifer Jolly (seriously, we’re not making the name up), a typically blonde-haired, fancy-dressed TV “news” personality, and confronted her regarding her lies and blatant propaganda. Earlier in the day, these individuals had watched her report on the air that demonstrators were violent and disrespectful and lawless, that parents should not bring their children to anti-war demonstrations, that she had not witnessed any incidents of police brutality, and other such garbage. 

BBB Agent Tarte Classique, who just so happened to be carrying around cans of whipped cream and paper plates, made her/his way through the throng, announced “Pies for your lies!”, and deposited a large plate of cream straight into Jolly’s talking head. 

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It’s not war 

“Let’s quit pussyfooting and call it what it is. It’s murder, it’s slaughter, it’s clubbing baby harp seals.” – Bryan McCoy, Marine

Heh. Well, no kidding? Thanks for clearing that up for us. I am so enraged. What the fuck is going on? The biggest fucking gangster on the planet just beat the shit out of a nation that could not defend itself. That’s not war and it’s nice to see it so plainly spoken for what it is. So, the u.$. is not engaged in war, but slaughter, how do we deal with that? Surely this is not okay. This is not the proper behavior of a world citizen is it? In my opinion it’s behavior that should, in any sane world, be termed criminal.

America’s Media Liberates Iraq 

Since the begining of the war (not really a war since only one side really has the firepower) I’ve only watched 10 minutes of tv news. Most of my information has come from the internet. But in browsing CNN’s website it becomes clear that the propaganda machine is in high gear. Hey it’s not easy rewriting history as it happens so we gotta give credit to these folks for a job “well done”.

Roger Alper  writes about those amazing spin doctors at Fox News: “With effective, rapid and decisive rewriting of history, there is an impression that the network has erased past relations between Iraq and America. It is difficult to find any mention of the fact that the U.S. armed Iraq in its war against Iran in the 1980s, or that it turned a blind eye when Saddam Hussein brutally put down a 1991 uprising with chemical weapons after the first Gulf War.”  Read more…

What comes after? 

Of course it isn’t over yet. Even as innocent Iraqi’s endure the pain and misery of operation piss off the planet, er, “Iraqi Freedom”, the capitalists are positioning for their place in the reconstruction process.

Max over at Stand Down has an interesting article about the upcomming plunder.

Target Saddam 

Mr. Ming discusses the targeting of Saddam