More Georgie boy lies 

Nothing but lies. It is truly astounding but not unexpected.

Everyday there is new evidence that this administration has no problem saying whatever it needs to say at any given moment regardless of the truth.

“I don’t believe anyone that I know in the administration ever said that Iraq had nuclear weapons.” - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, at a hearing of the Senate’s appropriations subcommittee on defense, May 14, 2003

“We believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.” - Vice President Dick Cheney on NBC’s Meet the Press, March 16, 2003

Concerning the recent tax cuts Timothy Noah asks: Why did Bush’s tax cut exclude so many low-income families?

On April 26, President Bush said in his weekly radio address, “My jobs and growth plan would reduce tax rates for everyone who pays income tax.” 

That turned out not to be true. According to the nonprofit Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, an unspecified number of low- and middle-income families received no tax cut at all because they’d been excluded from an expansion of the child-care tax credit. 

A Republican spokesperson for the House Ways and Means Committee told the New York Times that the benefit had not been extended to these low- and middle-income families because $30 billion in tax cuts had to be taken out of the bill to suit Sen. George Voinovich, a Republican deficit hawk. 

That was obviously not true. As the Times reported, extending the benefit would have cost a mere $3.5 billion. It could have been put back in had Congress been willing to lower the top income tax rate to 35.3 percent rather than 35 percent, according to the CBPP. Or, if that had been too controversial, $3.5 billion in tax shelters could have been shut down. Read more…

The funny thing about Bush and his regime is that they are so blatant about their disregard for the needs of people and their willingness to abuse the power that they have. Stupid. They should know better than that. That kind of obvious arrogance will help to generate resistance. What’s that old labor movement saying? A bad boss is the best organizer.

I wonder though, when will we move beyond this disfunctional system? Electing a democrat is not enough. The system needs to be completely replaced. Not just “government” but how we organize work and economics. How we get around, how we grow food, how we communicate. 

Perhaps we might work towards creating a democracy?