Shiny and pretty 

Yes indeedy, I took a leap into the New Weblog Showcase. I was unable to enter a couple weeks ago because of the deadline. As of this week I qualified… yippeeee. Like others who have entered, I’m hoping that this will lead to more folks finding Where We’re Bound. If you have a blog, you can vote for me by linking to this specific post from your blog. (Your blog must be registered with the Ecosystem for your vote to count.)

As a part of the process I’m supposed to vote for at least three other blogs in the show case. I thought I’d start with Racism or Why They Don’t Understand Us. Prometheus states:

When a series of events happens, we humans tend to assume that the things we see first cause the things we see next. Intellectually we know that things may be caused by other things we never see. In fact, we know that we never see everything and rarely see all of the things we do see. But that sort of consideration rarely comes up day to day.

I’m always amazed at how much we assume every single day. We rarely scratch the surface of anything in life.

My second vote goes to Prison Privatization which is an excellent read at my newest favorite blog. Why are we not more aware of the prison industrial complex? According to Eve Goldberg and Linda Evans in an article entitled The Prison Industrial Complex and the Global Economy":

Over 1.8 million people are currently behind bars in the United States. This represents the highest per capita incarceration rate in the history of the world. In 1995 alone, 150 new U.S. prisons were built and filled.

The U.S. Justice system is the farthest thing from “just”. It’s not about justice or protecting society. It’s about money.

My third vote goes to Brian Flemming’s Bill Gates to die in New York: Thoughts on the DV revolution. As a community media activist, digital filmmaker, and co-founder of the MeDiA Co-op this is a subject that interests me. I love the idea of decentralized, micro-cinemas popping up all over. 

Some blogs have all the luck… 

Byzantium’s Shores caught my eye with this post about The Truth Laid Bear’s New Blog Showcase. Jaquandor writes:

There’s a weekly contest called the New Blog Showcase , which is just that: a showcase for newly-started blogs, to help them get some promotion and traffic. (It’s run by the same guy who administers the popular Ecosystem… 

…This week’s winner is Mac-a-ronies, a left-leaing (I think) blog written by a lady going by the name “Mac Diva”. I don’t begrudge her the victory, since she won fair-and-square. But still, she was a known commenter on Eschaton before launching her own site – the launch of which was, if I recall correctly, mentioned in a front-page post by Atrios himself, and almost immediately permalinked by Kevin Drum , another of Blogistan’s biggies. 

What’s my complaint? It just strikes me as one of those “There ain’t no justice” moments that a blogger whose blog has, in all likelihood received more hits in less than two months than mine has in nearly a year and a half, has won a contest whose stated purpose is to generate traffic for newly-minted representatives of Blogistan.

Hmmmmmm… I jumped into blogville in March and I’ve enjoyed my stay thus far but I do indeed wonder about how it works. Specifically, I wonder about how sites gain readership in the blogsville. It’s not just about quality or frequency of writing though that is a factor. It seems like it’s a who you know kind of thing and that kinda stinks. Though what does my opinion matter… I’m just a wiggly worm.