Killing the truth
Very interesting article at the Washington Post:
Depiction of Threat Outgrew Supporting Evidence
The evidence continues to mount. It was not just the 16 words and we know that.
The President lied. Bush lied. George did not tell the truth. I have an idea: impeach bush and then put him and his crew on trial for war crimes.
Found via fables of the reconstruction.
August 11, 2003
U.S. Income Astronomy
This article over at Alternet was a little confusing at first because I’m not the brightest porch light on the block but after exerting a bit of effort I did get it. It’s not a new subject for me, just a different and very interesting way of visually displaying the information.
I think there might be a problem… just maybe.
I’ve said it before and will say it again. We do not need reforms. We do need to get rid of Bush but that will not be enough. Until we do something about the fundamental flaws of this filthy system, we will swing back and forth between evil and lesser evil.
We need to finish the American Revolution.
August 11, 2003
The real threat
Okay, Bush and company stretched the truth just a wee little itty bit when they claimed Saddam posed an imminent threat to the U.S. and went to war. Yet there is a very real and verifiable danger very close at hand… and it’s being ignored. Hello? Anyone home? Incompetent fools. They should be arrested for public endangerment.
Found via the The Mad Prophet Blog
August 11, 2003
Funny Bush
Very funny. A flash animation starring George Bush, Tony Blair, and others. Check it out.
Found via the The Mad Prophet Blog
August 11, 2003