A brief Bush, Torture, Constitution, War round-up
A few articles from the Irregular Times worth checking. First read Jonathan’s
September 11 Was Nothing Compared to This:
Think that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were bad? Three thousand dead civilians. That’s pretty bad, right?
Still, that’s nothing compared to the attacks the people in Iraq have suffered as a result of the American invasion and occupation there. A new report from the United Nations indicates that 6,500 civilians in Iraq have been killed, and many of them tortured first, in the last two months alone.
If we unleashed a global war seeking vengeance for our 3,000 dead, what will the desperate Iraqis do now?
Someone come on here and talk to me about how war is a good tool for solving problems. Come on. Do it. I really want to see what kind of twisted argument pro-war people are coming up with now.
Then there is Jim’s write-up regarding the torture authorized by Bush and the logic of Fox News' John Gibson: Gibson: It’s Not Torture Because I Say So? It’s Torture Because The Law Says So.:
John Gibson wrote a column for FOX News yesterday that I’d like you to read in its entirety.
Jim has also written a good bit regarding Bush’s continued abandonment of the the Constitution and the willingness of the GOP to go along:
The New York Times reports tonight that the members of the Republican Party in Congress and George W. Bush have agreed on legislation, with enough votes to pass, that will bring two formerly illegal Bush administration practices under the law:
1. People accused of being terrorists will be tried under military tribunal, rather than through a trial by jury.
2. In these tribunal proceedings, people accused of being terrorists will not be able to confront witnesses when the identity of those witnesses are classified, and will not be able to obtain any classified evidence for their own defense.
Well, excuse me, but whatever became of the Sixth Amendment to our very own United States Constitution?
Technorati Tags: 9-11, CIA, Constitution, Democracy, Detention, George Bush, Human Rights, Iraq, Middle East, Military Tribunal, National Security, Sixth Amendment, Terrorism, Torture, US Detention Camps, US Foreign Policy, US Terrorism, War, War Crimes