Apparently my life now revolves around bikes

I expect to post in the next day or two about some trail updates, a few upgrades I’ve made to the fatbike and a new bike on the way. Until then, some photos from recent rides and mileage updates.

Total miles ridden on the Gravity fatbike for May, June and July is, as of 7/5, 1092 miles. While most of June was trail riding I’ve decided to move back to mostly road riding in July in the mornings and trail rides in the evening. Thus far, only 5 days into the month, I’m on track for 900 miles in July which is my goal. That means 30 miles a day, for 30 of the 31 days. My ride time for July is up to 181 minutes per day thus far which meets my goal of 3 hours a day.

As much as I love trail riding I think 2 hours of road riding and 1 hour of trail riding is probably better for my knees. It seems that any knee issues I have or am likely to have are more likely with the constant sitting/standing that I do when I’m trail riding. On the road it’s almost all sitting and steady spinning. Will see.

Another consideration is the disturbance I seem to cause to the deer back on the trail. I’d like to try to minimize that as much as possible. Rather than 2 or 3 trail rides during a day I’ll try just the one for about an hour. We’ll see how it goes.

The past couple weeks of rides:
Date | Duration | Miles |
6/21/20 | 157m | 16.40 |
6/22/20 | 168m | 20.90 |
6/23/20 | 127m | 14.60 |
6/24/20 | 100m | 11.80 |
6/25/20 | 141m | 16.50 |
6/26/20 | 131m | 15.20 |
6/27/20 | 120m | 14.00 |
6/28/20 | 177m | 23.40 |
6/29/20 | 160m | 28.20 |
6/30/20 | 159m | 27.40 |
7/1/20 | 195m | 31.70 |
7/2/20 | 150m | 27.30 |
7/3/20 | 181m | 33.60 |
7/4/20 | 191m | 34.90 |
7/5/20 | 192m | 34.10 |