Mycena galericulata, commonly known as the common bonnet, the toque mycena, the common mycena or the rosy-gill fairy helmet. Not edible.
Cladonia peziziformis or the turban cup lichen
Laccaria laccata, commonly known as the deceiver, or waxy laccaria. Edible

Cool! Your posts always tell me that there is more things in the woods to look for than I know.

@Parag Thanks, glad you enjoy them! As a Star Trek fan and general science enthusiast, I like to think of my walks in the woods as though I were on an away mission to a new planet. I find that though I've always tried to learn and appreciate the natural world around me it's so easy to just take it for granted. We're surrounded by this absolutely fascinating, thriving, complicated network of life - it seems a loss to not make a more concerted effort to fully engage with it.