Tiny Life Journal - I've been seeing a lot of smallflower desert-chicory mixed into the various tall grasses. It's such a pretty flower to visit! Soundtrack: Northern Cardinal, Indigo Bunting and White-eyed Vireo.

A close up image of a many petaled yellow flower with a darker yellow, orangish center that has 20 or so dark brown to black colored stamens, each tipped with a yellow anther. The tip of each petal is fringed. Dark green foliage of trees and bushes are visible behind the flower.
A close up image of a many petaled yellow flower with a darker yellow, orangish center that has 20 or so dark brown to black colored stamens, each tipped with a yellow anther. The tip of each petal is fringed.
A close up image of a many petaled yellow flower with a darker yellow, orangish center that has 20 or so dark brown to black colored stamens, each tipped with a yellow anther.