Tiny Life Journal - Sunday morning health notes

My first encounter with Covid seems to be finished. Feeling better today, much improvement. Sore throat mostly gone and I feel mentally alert. So, assuming continued improvement, Covid symptoms will have lasted a full 5.5 days, Monday night till Saturday evening. My guess is I would test negative for Covid today or tomorrow. Will wait till Tuesday so as to have no doubt about outcome, don’t want to waste the test.


  • Days 1-2 were feverish and body aches. Taking ibuprofen.
  • Days 3-4 were dominated by runny nose, congestion, sore throat. Extremely sore throat. My dad suggested that ice chips might help. I used a blender to make a spoobable ice slushee and it made all the difference. Instant relief though I had to keep eating it. I added frozen blackberries and sugar and had blackberry slushees all day on Friday. Helped a lot. Lots of napping. Low energy. A bit of brain fog. Added Sudafed to the ibuprofen for the congestion.
  • Day 5 I felt tired all day. Napped much of the day and not much ability to focus. Sore throat mostly gone with much less congestion.
  • Day 6 Feeling mentally alert and just about normal. Sore throat and congestion are no longer noticeable. Will take a couple doses of Sudafed today to be sure. To early to say anything about energy levels.

Final thought: Not only was this my first encounter with Covid but, also, the first time I’ve been sick since before 2020. Not counting the 2022 sudden and extreme vertigo which continues as some sort of new normal I attribute to labyrinthitis. I wouldn’t call it vertigo but rather a low level lack of balance that my brain has adapted to. Sorta feels like my head is floating in a bowl of water. And, along with that sensation is daily tinnitus.