
    The downy woodpecker, Dryobates pubescens, the smallest species of woodpecker in North America. I see and hear these often in the woods here.

    A bird is perched on the side of a tree. Black and white on the backside, white on the underside, it has a black and white head with alternating stripes and a small red cap on the back of its head.

    A bird is perched on the side of a tree. Black and white on the backside, white on the underside, it has a black and white head with alternating stripes.

    The pileated woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus. Pileated refers to the bird's prominent red crest, from the Latin pileatus meaning capped, is more prominent on the male. These are fairly common around here and I see or hear them a few times a month.

    A large black bird is climing the side of a tree. The bird has a large beak, vibrant red feathering along the top of its head forming a tuft at the back of it's head. Under the red portion it's head and neck are white with a prominent black streak from the eye stretching to the back of its head.

    A large black bird is climing the side of a tree. The bird has a large beak, vibrant red feathering along the top of its head. Under the red portion it's head and neck are white with a prominent black streak from the eye stretching to the back of its head.

    Bewick's wren, Thryomanes bewickii or Carolina wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus, but I'm not sure. They often visit around my tiny house and porch catching insects and spiders.

    A small bird with a long white eyebrow, light brown underside and darker brown backside is perched on a lichen covered branch set against a blurred brown background.

    A small bird with a long white eyebrow, light brown underside and darker brown backside is perched on a wood stump. The background is a blurred white.The bird's beak is open and it appears to be singing.

    A small bird with a long white eyebrow, light brown underside and darker brown backside is perched on a lichen covered branch set against a blurred brown background.

    The red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus. I see and hear these pretty woodpeckers all of the time, one of my favorite neighbors! The male has red from the beak all the way back.

    A woodpecker is perched on a tree set against a blurred background. The underside of the bird is predominantly off-white, and the back-top of her head is red, and her back feathers are black and white striped.

    A woodpecker is perched on a tree set against a blurred background. The underside of the bird is predominantly off-white, and the center of his head is red beginning at the beak and stretching to the back.

    Purple Finch, Haemorhous purpureus

    A small raspberry colored bird is perched on a branch set against a blurred winter background Male

    A small brown and white colored bird is perched on a branch  set  against a blurred winter background Female

    "The Purple Finch prefers nesting in lowland coniferous and mixed forests, avoiding more heavily populated urban areas, but sometimes found in rural residential areas."


    a large woodpecker, perched on a branch against a blurred background. The woodpecker is a tannish brown color, overall with a black triangle on its breast. Its chest is covered with black spots, and its tail is yellow on the underside. On the side of its beak, dropping down below its eye, is a black triangular shape.

    The northern flicker or common flicker, Colaptes auratus. A beautiful woodpecker and is one of the few woodpecker species that migrate. When I see them, they are often on the ground hunting for insects.

    The moss bell mushroom growing from the moss is really tiny! Probably less than 12 millimeters.

    A tiny tan mushroom grows from thick green moss

    Galerina, Moss Bells

    Small  funnel shaped cups of lichen growing out of thick moss

    Cladonia, Pixie Cup Lichen

    A small tan mushroom grows from a rotting log

    Galerina, Moss Bells

    Three leaves of a small  plant that are covered in white hair. The plant is growing in thick moss

    Hieracium longipilum, the hairy hawkweed, found near the trail while on a dog walk yesterday.

    Mycena galericulata, commonly known as the common bonnet, the toque mycena, the common mycena or the rosy-gill fairy helmet. Not edible. A small cluster of tannish white mushrooms with distinct cone shaped tops growing out  from the base of a tree stump

    Cladonia peziziformis or the turban cup lichen A macro image of very small lichen plants

    Laccaria laccata, commonly known as the deceiver, or waxy laccaria. Edible A distinct dark orange mushroom growing out of the ground with moss in forground and leaves all around

    Photo from yesterday's trail ride. Taken along the backside creek inflow to the lake. Some pretty grasses in this area.

    A fattire bike leans against a tree next to a trail through tall golden brown grass. A lake is in the background

    An excellent thread on Mastodon exploring examples of positive human-nature relationships.

    Chasmanthium latifolium, northern wood-oats, inland sea oats, northern sea oats, and river oats is a species of grass native to the central and eastern United States, Manitoba, and northeastern Mexico

    water droplets cover the stems and seeds of a golden brown grass that is wilting under the weight.

    water droplets cover the stems and seeds of a golden brown grass that is wilting under the weight.

    water droplets cover the stems and seeds of a golden brown grass that is wilting under the weight.

    Had a fun ride on the snowy trail yesterday.

    hey fat, tired bike leans against a tree next to a snow covered trail in the woods..

    The frozen memories of summer.

    Ice crystals on  the golden brown remains of summer flowers ice crystals formed on golden brown seeds Ice crystals appear to be thorns growing out of  red berries and a branch

    Icey creek.

    A frozen creek, the ice has interesting textures and sunlight is reflecting on the surface  A frozen creek, the ice has interesting textures and sunlight is reflecting on the surface 

    “At its very essence, a lichen consists of a fungus coexisting symbiotically with algae or photosynthetic bacteria called cyanobacteria — and sometimes with both.”

    A macro photo of pale green and greenish brown lichen some of which are tubular funnels.

    An interesting introduction to Lichen biodiversity!

    Perforated ruffle lichen, Parmotrema perforatum. The large yellow-tan cup-like structures are a spore-bearing surface, apothecia, each with a hole in the center, hence the name perforated. Long black cilia around the perimeter. Fascinating but also a bit creepy.

    macro photo of very tiny funnel and umbrella lichen that range from a pale green to a brownish green macro photo of very tiny  button shapes growing from lichen. The lichen is a pale green and the button shapes are a brownish green macro photo of very tiny  button shapes growing from lichen. The lichen is a pale green and the button shapes are a dark brownish green. Black hair-like threads grow from the pale green lichen

    On a ride yesterday a branch was in the path and it was completely covered in thick lichen. I don’t recall ever seeing lichen with such black hair-like growths. A fantastical, tiny world!

    Various green colors of lichen growth that include small broad cups and funnel like structures Various green colors of lichen growth that include small broad cups Various green colors of lichen growth that include small broad cups. Black hairs seem to grow out from the lichen.

    A close-up image of  several pink-red moss Sporophytes, the stems a ovular capsule and with a pointed tip at the end.

    Moss Sporophyte: Seta, Capsule, Operculum (capsule lid)

    The Northern Cardinal always provides some welcome color in the otherwise grayish brown winter landscape. And their song is always nice to hear. #bird #Birds #Nature #Wildlife #Birdwatching #WildlifePhotography

    A vibrant, red bird, sitting on a branch set against a blurred, brownish, winter backgroundA tan-gray bird with reddish orange highlights on the wing tail and tuft of feathers on top of her head, sitting on a branch set against a blurred, brownish, winter backgroundA vibrant, red bird, sitting on a branch set against a blurred, brownish, winter background

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