Without a biosphere in a good shape, there is no life on the planet. It’s very simple. That’s all you need to know. The economists will tell you we can decouple growth from material consumption, but that is total nonsense. The options are quite clear from the historical evidence. If you don’t manage decline, then you succumb to it and you are gone. The best hope is that you find some way to manage it.
Vaclav Smil: ‘Growth must end. Our economist friends don’t seem to realise that’ | The Guardian
Canadians, Australians, and Americans are some of the most carbon privileged in the world. All our news reporting is about how magical hurricanes and fires are. Nothing about climate change or burning fossil fuels for the most part. Climate news revolves around incrementals like electric vehicles, banning straws, solar panels.
Never do we actually talk about taking away the privilege of intense energy use. We don’t talk about building denser, smaller homes. We don’t talk about NOT taking that vacation. We don’t talk about NOT buying things. At most we sub in one form of consumption for another.
Like white privilege or male privilege, those who have carbon privilege are loathe to give it up. We are all entitled, right?
Why should we live on less?
We, the largest energy users in the world can’t just talk about alternative energy. We need real energy reduction and yes, that means the “economy” will hurt, that means fewer vacations, that means smaller homes.
We will never get anywhere until we accept using less. For starters, no homes in the greenbelt where we need cars to drive between McMansions."
Fantastic stone arrangements on the beach.
18 Pics Of Land Art Sculptures by Jon Foreman – A Collection 2 | STREET ART UTOPIA
iPad goal posts and hand wavy things
The iPad discussion is all about moving goal posts and hand wavy things. In other words, it’s about framing and context. But it’s also about fluff. Let’s start with the fluff. It’s kinda like cotton candy. Sweet and interesting at first but not a lot there when you really bite into it.
A few days ago Jason Snell, wrote his latest on how the iPad has been failing him. And, predictably, a host of prominent pundits chimed in. Yesterday another notable iPad user, Harry McCracken also commented. He’s not planning to leave the iPad but shared some observations.
The company’s legendary dedication to making what Steve Jobs called “the whole widget” usually results in deeply integrated experiences; the iPad, however, has gotten that benefit only in fits and starts. And lately, it’s felt like the platform is stuck somewhere between its past and its future.
I’m noticing a theme with these posts which is a lot of hand waving about the “problem of iPadOS” but rarely anything specific. In general the sentiment is that Apple is moving too slowly in making the iPad into a Mac. After some very general statements McCracken finally points to a specific example, support for external webcams coming with iPadOS 17 as a feature he’ll be happy to have. But also points out that it took too long as evidence that Apple is too “lackadaisical” in its progress. He mentions a long list of other things but doesn’t provide the list.
The only other specific he gives is Stage Manager which he doesn’t like so continues to use the old Split Screen-based multitasking. But in general he continues to love his iPad and will continue using it. The point of the post seems to be: 1. Mac hardware got better with Apple Silicon 2. iPadOS is still not macOS.
In other words, his story really feels like a fluff piece during a slow news cycle. Gotta write a column this week so take an easy ride on the current pundit meme. But no real substance.
In all of the articles taking that ride this week none provided much actual specific evidence of any significant problem. Each might provide one example of something very specific that may be a miss in iPadOS or limitations of third party apps. Matt Birchler had a post about how the edge cases add up to something significant. As examples he cites several third party apps that are possible on the Mac but not available on the iPad or limited on the iPad: Spotlight alternatives, third party password manager limitations and alternative screenshot tools. Echoing Snell’s original article he writes:
I guess my feeling is that the iPad is great to a point, and as soon as you stop out of bounds a little bit, it becomes quite challenging to deal with, as your options to override system behavior are basically zero.
He follows up with an example of where the iPad failed him on a recent trip:
I took only my iPad on a trip recently and I was editing photos. Lightroom is my editing app of choice, and Adobe does a really nice job of keeping features in sync between the Mac and iPad versions of their app. However, I took some really high ISO shots on the trip and wanted to denoise them using Lightroom’s relatively new AI denosing feature. That’s on the Mac but it’s not on the iPad version, so some of my photos weren’t able to be edited until I got home.
Okay, but, wait. Let’s talk about picking nits a bit. The reason the iPad is not a capable computer is the lack of 3rd party screenshot or Spotlight apps? Limitations to 3rd party password managers? Or a missing feature in one of Adobe’s apps that has nothing to do with iPadOS but rather is a choice made by Adobe?
My point here is that this story about the iPad as a computer really has entered a new stage as the goal posts are constantly being moved. In 2018 the discussion had far more substance and we could point to important, core functionality and features were still missing. For example, file management with the new Files app was still a very basic. Multiple app instances didn’t appear until 2019. Before 2020 the iPad was a touch only computer with zero support for mouse or trackpad.
In other words, it’s all relative. Year to year, improvements are made to iPadOS. And let’s not pretend that the same cannot also be said of macOS. Somehow Mac users in 1992 were getting things done with their Macs running System 7.1. In 1999 they were able to do even more running System 8.6. Sure there were limitations in the system and third party apps but somehow we got by. I loved my Mac and used it daily.
Not long after we had the big transition to OS X. It was rough at times, slow going but things gradually improved and stabilized with OS X and third party apps for the new platform gradually appeared allowing users to get more done. I can tell you that in 2002 I was happily using my iMac to build and maintain websites and create documents of various kinds, email, use the web, edit photos and video.
See? Same thing. The evolution of computing is an ongoing process. This iPad conversation, if given context, is kinda silly. All operating systems and app ecosystems are always in a state of becoming better. Computers as tools are always contextual. The users, tasks, environment, hardware, OS, apps are all fluid.
And the framing of the discussion as “Can I get by with an iPad as my only computer” is also past it’s usefulness if it was ever useful at all. Do we similarly ask, can I get by without my iPhone (or any phone at all) and just carry a Mac? Of course not. For all its openness and extendability, if you need to make a phone call or easily take photos while on the go, you likely don’t want to rely on your Mac.
Speaking of the iPhone, for the cost of such a little device and all the attention paid to it, one would think that people had abandoned their Macs and were “iPhone only”. But of course, that’s ridiculous. Surely not. But it’s not ridiculous, is it? For some users the iPhone is exactly the computer they need and nothing more. In fact there are some people that have both a Mac and iPhone but find more convenience and utility with the iPhone, leaving the Mac sitting idle most of the time. Again, like all tools, computers are contextual and relative.
The climate crisis has hit home this year for many Americans — its effects have been nearly inescapable in most parts of the country. With that, writes Bill McKibben, has come a sense of unease about the future, particularly about the places we live and will be able to live.
We’ve come through 75 years where having neighbors was essentially optional: if you had a credit card, you could get everything you needed to survive dropped off at your front door. But the next 75 years aren’t going to be like that…
Electricity generated from coal collapsed by 23% and gas fell by 13%, compared with the same period a year earlier.
At the same time, solar generation increased by 13% and wind power output by 5%.
This allowed 17 EU countries to generate record shares of power from renewables. Greece and Romania both passed 50% renewables for the first time, while Denmark and Portugal both surpassed 75% renewables.
I’m not planning on writing this up, but I have gone through iPadOS 17, and all my old posts about iPadOS 16, and collated a list of many of the things Stage Manager still gets wrong.
I appreciate when users take the time to document problems but it’s worth noting that in some cases “wrong” is opinion as opposed to broken. Just one example in the list, the dock disappearing when a window is moved down to bottom of screen. I like and want that to remain as it’s useful to me. I can swipe the dock up if needed or move the window.
The iPad originated as a touch-first computer and remains touch-first 13 years later
An interesting aspect of the ongoing discussion about the iPad is that it's primarily from the perspective of Mac "power" users. Which is to say, long-time users that have been using the Mac and are most comfortable with its feature set and interface. These are users that have and want access to the most open-ended computing experience possible. They're very efficient with their Macs and have time-tested workflows with apps they know well.
In terms of understanding the iPad as a broadly used computing platform, it's important to remember the bias of the most heard on-line voices which are, predominantly, the voices of content creators and tech enthusiasts that publish podcasts, videos on YouTube, and websites.
But what about the touch-first users? I've often referred to my extended family when I've written about the iPad. They seem to be what I assume is close to the average. They're not tech-oriented, they don't read tech blogs or keep up with the latest hardware. The iPad users in this group have never heard of Stage Manager or even Split Screen.
Their most used apps, including those that use Macs: Safari, Messages, Photos, Mail, Notes. Other apps most used: Netflix, Facebook, and a few games. No one in the sample develops applications or publishes videos or podcasts.
They are almost all touch-first users, relying on their iPhone for at least 50% of their "computing". Those that use an iPad use it about 50% of the time to compliment the iPhone. Most of them are using these two devices. There are 3 Mac users compared to 6 iPad users and 2 PC/Chromebook users.
If my family is even close to average then it would be accurate to say that there are more touch-first, casual users than there are "power users" that use a mouse/trackpad/keyboard.
Of the 3 that use a Mac, 1 is a college student, 1 recently graduated from college, 1 retired. All 3 use their iPhone far more than their Mac. The two who use computers full time at work are using work issued Windows/Chromebooks. When not at work their computer is the iPhone.
So, in my family at least, casual, touch-first users dominate first with iPhone, then iPad. Their usage patterns seem to reflect the larger picture of Apple's sales for the past 13 years and it explains why Apple has prioritized iOS and touch-based computing for the past decade.
The iPad started as a touch-first tablet computing device and it remains as a primarily touch-first tablet computing device. Admittedly this is my best guess based on anecdotal observation and a general sense of Apple sales numbers, but if true then it would be accurate to say the iPad, in use, remains closer to the iPhone than the Mac.
2015: iPad Pro
All that said, Apple opened up a whole new set of expectations when they released the much larger screen 12.9" iPad Pro in 2015. It instantly created a whole new idea of what the iPad could be and speculation about where Apple would take the platform.
The 2015 iPad Pro brought with it the Pencil and the return of an iPad specific keyboard offering from Apple. It's been 8 years and I was curious about the initial reviews of this first iPad Pro.
From the Tech Radar review of the 2015 iPad Pro:
The iPad Pro could be a lot of things to many people - including professional users, considering the amount of business apps in the App Store. To some, a great sofa pal. To others, a brilliant hybrid device that enables them to flip effortlessly from sketching to movies to typing reports on the go.
Is it good enough to usurp the need for a MacBook Air? Could you ever get by just using this tablet and the optional accessories around it, or does it need to be part of a larger family – a device that's perfect for certain situations but gets relegated when it's time for proper work?
There was only one way to find out – force myself to ditch the laptop and try to write this review on the Pro (and you can see the results below). While that wasn't as easy as I'd hoped, I've found a lot of use for the iPad Pro 12.9 in day to day life.
He goes on later to [describe the process of writing the review](https://www.techradar.com/reviews/pc-mac/tablets/ipad-pro-12-9-1269255/review/5). His conclusion on writing, editing images and posting the story:
But I learned a lot about the iPad Pro's capabilities in that time. This thing is definitely capable, and the amount of workarounds are large - you can get things done, just not as easily, and since then I've used it on the train to do loads of different bits and pieces and really enjoyed the portability.
iOS isn't a desktop experience, and I can't see it ever being. As such it's hard to call the iPad Pro 12.9 a definite laptop replacement. For some, it will be more than enough, but workers might struggle with the limitations iOS brings through its silo app methodology.
And Macworld also wondered about the intended use and audience for the iPad Pro:
One mild concern that is currently troubling us is the issue of who exactly is expected to buy it, and how it will affect (and potentially confuse) the buying decision...
Five years after its launch, questions still remain over the iPad’s ability to operate as a primary work tool – because its screen is smaller than almost all laptops, because iOS is limited in many areas, and because the iPad can’t multitask. Some or all of these shortcomings can be addressed in a 12-inch iPad Pro,
They go on to mention possible use-cases such as office productivity and creative as well as the available software and the lack of multitasking.
Though much has changed with the various iterations of the iPad OS and available apps over the past 8 years, many of the questions raised in those first reviews persist today. From pundits to article comments, many Apple nerds are still confused and frustrated by the iPad.
But I do think some clarity can be found in two simple bullet points:
- The Mac is a keyboard/mouse/trackpad driven computer with a more mature, more open desktop OS.
- The iPad is a touch-first mobile computer that has additional "power user" features when connected to a keyboard and mouse.
For those that want the full-on power user experience with fewer OS limitations, the Mac is the choice.
For those that want touch-based computing that can be extended with the addition of a keyboard/trackpad/mouse there is the iPad.
Billy Brag on Oliver Anthony’s Rich Men North of Richmond:
I think Oliver Anthony is thinking about class as well, but it’s not so focused for him. Again, I don’t want to attack him, because I don’t really know him, don’t know what his background is. But in the lyric, anyway, it’s not so clear. I think he all but gets there. You’d only have to take three or four lines out of the song.
Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond”: Why Billy Bragg rewrote the song.
Reduction in sea ice in Antarctica has resulted in the deaths of an estimated 10,000 emperor penguin chicks. In 2022, satellites recorded a colony of emperor penguins disappearing into the Bellingshausen Sea as the ice they were living on melted away. The chicks had not fully developed waterproof feathers and they most likely froze to death. Emperors rely on sea-ice to breed and as the world warms due to climate change…
Given our current trajectory and lack of progress extinction seems a near certainty.
Thousands of emperor penguins killed in the Antarctic - BBC News
Extinction Rebellion’s co-founder Clare Farrell and conservation scientist Dr Charlie Gardner team up once more to discuss issues and stories they feel are not getting enough airtime.
EPISODE 2: Aerosol masking, geoengineering, and the pension problem
In this episode they discuss the evolving discourse on aerosol masking, particulates and solar radiation management approaches, plus the pensions report from carbon tracker that shows the flawed economics of climate overlooks science and leaves the pension sector in grave risk.
The iPad Failing Again: Summer 2023 Edition

It's late August 2023 and during this slow time for Apple-related news the pundits have all found time to circle back around to the age old problem of the iPad. The most recent round seemed to start with Jason Snell's post Giving up the iPad-only travel dream.
I’ve noticed that a lot of my colleagues who were previously working hard to integrate the iPad into their professional work have backed off, retreating to the more flexible and powerful Mac side of the house.
The iPad is a tool meant to help you. If you're working hard to make it work it's possible that you may have chosen the wrong tool. Of course, it's also true that a powerful tool like a computer and the associated app ecosystem might take some time to learn and explore. Depending on one's workflow and needs, willingness to learn and explore, it may not be an obvious mis-fit.
But he goes on:
I’m not at all ready to declare the “use iPad to get work done” experiment dead. With the forthcoming release of iPadOS 17, Stage Manager has thrown in a bunch of improvements that suggest the iPad’s progression to more functional status continues, albeit at a pace that’s a bit too slow for my liking.
He then discusses the ways that the iPad doesn't fit as well as the Mac for his specific needs. The stand-out shortcoming is, not surprising for a podcaster, the limitations of the iPadOS audio system which has never been up to the needs of podcasters. This has been a well known issues for years and yet, they keep trying, failing and complaining.
The real problem seems to be knowingly using the wrong tool for a very specific job. And in the case of this select group of independent Apple "content creators", there is the added element of drama, brand identity and the ever persistent need for new content fodder. It's especially gross on tech/Apple You Tube.
But, for the moment, let's assume it's not about content fodder. What is it? There is this strange fascination some have with the iPad. It's the computer they use but shouldn't. Or don't use but want to. Folks, just walk away.
Back to JS:
My productivity needs are clearly unlike those of most people, but the truth is that everyone’s got different productivity needs. The problem with the iPad continues to be that as it builds functionality, it has failed to build in flexibility—or at least the flexibility offered by a platform like macOS.
Yes, true, we all have different needs and the iPad will work for some, not others. But the discussion of flexibility is not so clear-cut. In terms of OS, yes, macOS is more open and more flexible. We'll come back to that in a moment. But in terms of hardware, I've found the iPad form factor to be the one that is the most flexible. In fact, the modularity of the iPad is one of its strong points.
As I type this I've got the iPad in a stand raised up 6 inches for better posture. I'm using an external Bluetooth keyboard and a mouse. I could be doing this at my desk but at the moment I'm reclining on my futon with a little lap desk. It's fantastic. I'm not using the touchscreen much so it's sort of in traditional computer mode. I can do all sorts of things in this physical arrangement.
But if I need to adjust or change modes I can set the lap desk, stand keyboard and mouse aside and use the iPad as a tablet. No keyboard stuck to it, just my hands for scrolling, swiping, tapping. You know, a tablet. And in a few weeks as the weather cools I can attach the keyboard to the case and step outside to a table on the porch. If I need the keyboard/trackpad, cool, it's there. If not, no problem, I can detach it and get it out of my way. Thanks to the flexibility of the iPad I can do all sorts of things with just my fingers on the screen or the Pencil. And in a pinch, if I don't want to bother reaching for the keyboard dictation has gotten good enough that it's easy to dictate text.
My point is that any discussion of flexibility in regards to computers should take into account the physical form factor or it is an incomplete discussion.
Jason goes on to talk about a the Stream Deck, a device he finds useful but which won't work with the iPad. He goes on:
This is where the iPad is today. It’s good enough for what it does. If it doesn’t do it, it doesn’t do it. This is the fundamental difference between the Mac (a platform that basically lets developers and users do anything they want) and the iPad (where if Apple doesn’t specifically allow it, it can’t be done).
But, you know, not really. Yes, it's true that the iPad is locked down in a way that the Mac isn't. That's due to its origins in iOS and the initial intended niche as a super easy to use and safe computer for anyone. Its initial positioning in 2010 was indeed as a tablet computing device meant for consumption but with acknowledgement that it could be used for more computery tasks like creating documents in Pages.
But yes, 13 years in and Apple continues to balance between ease of use, safety/security and the low maintenance simplicity of a computing device with full-on, do anything computer. A variable to remember in this scenario is that the largest portion of the iPad user base is likely to be less sophisticated users. Certainly this is the case in my own extended family where most iPads are used daily as primary computers for basic tasks. I'm the only one using the iPad in its more advanced modes.
In any case, when discussing any computer platform or OS, much of this seems relative. Talk to a Linux or Windows user and they'll have their opinions of the limitations of macOS and/or Mac hardware.
Back to JS, he states that with the Mac "Apple doesn't have to think of every use case" and that it "empowers developers and users to build what they need" thereby extending it's functionality which he pits against the iPad as being limited by Apple and it's operating system cycle which is too slow.
Okay but again, the Mac has been around longer and you know, from Apple to third party developers, everything (waves hands in the air wildly) takes time. There are other considerations with the iPad. If you are tired of waiting as you say you are then it sounds like it's time you moved on. That's okay. The iPad is not the tool you need. I mean, I don't try to make toast with my blender. And if I did I don't think I'd offer it up as a critique of the blender.
He concludes:
I want to do it all on my iPad. I hope that one day I’ll be able to.
But why? If the iPad is not the right tool for the job just accept that and move on to the tool that works for you. It just seems like a strange fixation at this point.
Speaking of moving on, John Gruber, linking to Snell, also chimes in:
But I know I’m best off, productivity-wise, using my iPad basically as a single-tasking consumption device for long-form reading and video watching.
The reason this topic remains evergreen is that I want to use my iPad more. There’s something ineffable about it. It’s a thrill when I use my iPad to do something that an iPad is actually best at. I honestly think I’d be more productive if I owned no iPad at all, yet I keep trying to find ways to use it more.
Not much to say regarding Gruber other than he uses BBEdit for all of his writing. He's mentioned it many times over the years. And while there are many excellent text editors on the iPad BBEdit is not. So I'd guess that's a limiting factor?
While it's pretty clear that JS really has used the iPad and Gruber has tried it over the years, the next example is off the hook goofy. Truly uninformed Apple podcasters willing to discuss the iPad that borders on the embarrassing. In the August 25 episode of The Context Machine Jeff Gamet and Bryan Chaffin take on the iPad and though they don't mention it I'm guessing the Snell article is what prompted this conversation. Just a guess but it seems pretty common for these folks to echo one another with the same topics and opinions. I've listened to this podcast off and on and Bryan especially seems to be one of the most uninformed Apple podcasters I've heard. Early in the conversation he complains that the iPad does not do Command-Tab app switching as well as the Mac. When pressed by his co-host who correctly states that it works exactly the same with any keyboard as it does on the Mac Bryan admits that he hasn't actually used a keyboard with his iPad.
Ummmmm. Okay. Cringeworthy.
But he keeps digging his hole. He then says "I feel like the lack of a mouse on an iPad is going to also make this more complicated."
This is some high quality, knowledgeable punditry. It's clear that Bryan has no clue what he's talking about. Of course the iPad can be paired with any Bluetooth mouse or the Apple Trackpad and has had this feature since the spring of 2020. I'll file this into the folder of examples of Apple podcasters feeling free to discuss features of a device which they have not made a good faith effort to actually use at all or regularly enough to learn how to use.
At this point in the podcast Jeff diplomatically skirts the issue and simply says that he has no problem using the trackpad or a mouse with the iPad and he indicates that he does it regularly. In fact, he makes the case for the iPad being capable of almost anything a Mac can do. But then does a turn about and falls back to the current pundit/podcaster narrative: He can't do his podcasting. When pressed for other examples he finally comes up with the inability to plug in multiple drives which of course, isn't a problem. Plug in a hub and then plug in as many drives as you have ports for.
Honestly, the whole conversation is so sloppy. He finally brings up multiple apps and windows on the iPad saying it's clumsy. Then he brings up multiple drives again. To be clear, plug in a hub and then drives to that hub and Files app shows every attached drive in the sidebar. Then drag and drop between them with no problem, exactly like the Finder.
It's almost as if old-timey Mac users want to dwell on short comings in iPadOS that no longer exist simply because that's the easy thing to do for them as Mac users. They simply don't want to be bothered to learn or be informed. It's a strange, confused conversation. More than anything it demonstrates that some podcasters don't feel an obligation to be informed on the topics they cover.
Perhaps the real story here is that there are far too many indy content creators in the Apple/Tech bubble and as a mini cottage industry they're all just stepping on one another, repeating the same casual rumor talk.
I'll have to keep looking for more informed, thoughtful nerdery that makes the effort to explore the actual, helpful on-the-ground use cases of the existing tech.
Pundits, podcasters, it's okay to just move on, use the Mac and be happy. Remember, not every tool is made for you or will be useful to you. You can trust that there are those of us out here that find the iPad to be the perfect computer for us and what we need to do with our a computer. We'll leave you to your Macs and hope that one day you'll be able to turn your gaze away from the iPad and learn to be happy with your Mac.
Democracy? No. What will it take for the citizenry to act like citizens again?
Tennessee’s Republican-dominated state Legislature is still facing public outcry over the state’s permissive gun laws…
Earlier this week, Republicans imposed new penalties on lawmakers believed to be too disruptive and banned visitors from carrying signs — a ban that has since been challenged by the ACLU for violating the First Amendment. Amid the new rules, visitors can still carry guns into the building.
Reelected Tenn. State Rep. Justin Jones on GOP Silencing of Critics on Gun Control - YouTube
Testing a mouse with the iPad. Works better than I expected but it’s an old, cheap mouse. Scroll wheel is a bit funky and every now and then tracking get’s wonky, seems like the bluetooth connection is lagging. Anyone use the Logitech Lift mouse with an iPad? Do the multiple buttons work on iPad?
A common theme in the discussion on addressing climate change is that what’s most needed is systemic action. As I understand it, what people mean by that is government legislation to fund new infrastructure for transport and energy and, likely, regulate/cut fossil fuel based infrastructure currently in place.
And often in the conversation those advocating such systemic change as primary often, to some degree, speak against individual action in terms of altering consumption to lower carbon footprint.
Okay, but here’s the thing: For decades citizens of the US have been way too passive in their participation in the “democratic” process. Passive, apathetic, not interested, this is what has defined the citizens in the US. In fact, that word really isn’t used much. Rather the word consumer is used to define people because that’s what we allowed ourselves to be defined as.
Global corporate capitalism has slowly, steadily and completely redefined people’s identity and understanding of place as that of consumer. “A government by the people, for the people” is a fucking farce and has been for a very long time.
So, for those of you demanding systemic change to address the climate crisis, tell me, do you expect the government bodies that have been so completely bought and paid for to suddenly act against the entrenched corporate lobbies?
The vast majority of citizens gave up their power and responsibility decades ago. A broadly participating citizenry taking responsibility for government just walked away. It was replaced by a much, much smaller group of people that we now call “activists”. These are folks that, for whatever reason, maintained or developed an interest in “issues”. A very tiny minority trying to do the work of the full population that prioritizes working and having the “American Dream”.
It’s somewhere between willful negligence and naïveté to again pass the responsibility to “government” that we all admit is somewhere between corrupted and broken. If we expect that “our” government is going to fix the climate crisis then we damn well better be willing to step up in a big fucking way to reassert our control of said government. Voting is not enough, not even close. That’s the passive, do as little as possible bullshit that has gotten us into this mess.
If we’re going to deal with this it has to become central to our lives. All our lives. Anyone suggesting we can just sit back and let it be fixed by political parties under the influence is fucking delusional. However you slice it your attention and effort are now required. If you’re not interested in participating then I hope you’ll own your passive, apathetic non-contribution to the solution and your full participation in being the problem. 🌍
I’ve been avoiding Google search for a few years, using Duck Duck Go instead. Tried Bing but the website is yuck. Safari provides Yahoo as a choice for built in search. I thought, why not?
Only been a couple days but I am really impressed. Way better than expected and my new default.
McNamara calls this device the “Mythic I.” It’s a sweeping, curved object that starts with a leather palm rest before sloping sharply upward like dunes on a beach, then gently cresting down again in the back.
Oh my. This is a beautiful computer. Aesthetically but also the focused use is a sharp turn from the omnipresent, mobile computing devices that can be taken anywhere and do anything. Simple, beautiful website too: The Mythic Computer Company.
Mythic Computer is trying to change the PC world one wood computer at a time - The Verge
The amount of public money flowing into coal, oil and gas in 20 of the world’s biggest economies reached a record $1.4tn(£1.1tn) in 2022… even though world leaders agreed to phase out “inefficient” fossil fuel subsidies at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow two years ago.
The report comes ahead of a meeting of G20 countries in Delhi next month that could set the tone for the next big climate conference, which takes place in the United Arab Emirates in November.
G20 poured more than $1tn into fossil fuel subsidies despite Cop26 pledges – report | The Guardian
With unprecedented heat waves and record-breaking global temperatures, it’s hard to believe that there might be a place on earth that has actually COOLED since the industrial revolution. But, it turns out, there is such a spot. The COLD BLOB off of Greenland mystified scientists for years, but new studies have uncovered a scary reality - this cool patch might be a warning of the impending collapse of a vital earth circulation system. And the consequences would be dire.
Is Earth’s Largest Heat Transfer Really Shutting Down? - YouTube
My take on a personal climate impact assessment and plan. 🌍
As others have noted in recent similar threads, I'm not suggesting that personal action on climate is the primary or only action needed. Far from it! I'll continue to be a loud-mouthed advocate of action at every level possible. In the past I've helped organize and joined in on a variety of direct actions. As far as I'm concerned we should have immediate short, long-term and ongoing climate strikes with the aim of shutting down business as usual. But while I support collective direct action I'm also a fan of personal direct action because as individuals we all add up. The US is collectively 300+ million people. If those 300 million people made a real effort to make changes, well, they add up to an entire country of people making a change. Lastly, the fastest way to make such direct impact is simply conservation. It can be done by anyone today. No barriers other than a lack of effort.
Before I dig in on details, a note about the context. I'm single, no kids, work from home. My tiny house is in a rural setting with nearest town/stores about 8 miles away.
So, my take is, let's do this and stop making excuses. Here's my PEAAP (Personal Environmental Action Assessment and Plan)
Local transport for home supplies and groceries
I have an older, 2007 Toyota Matrix, gasoline. At my current rate my mileage for 2023 will be around 110 miles, about equal to 2022. In 2020 and 2021 my miles were closer 200 each year as I was making more trips to town for a home-bound family neighbor who I shopped for. Going forward I'll keep my present course which amounts to 1 trip to town every 7-8 weeks. When I do drive I focus on efficiency. Slow acceleration, coasting, etc.
I've got several extended family/neighbors within about a mile that I visit and this is either done by foot or bike. I'd thought/planned to switch to a bike for grocery runs to town but I have 2 dogs and a cat so for now I just plan my grocery trips to coincide with resupply of their food which typically get's purchased in fairly large bags.
I don't do air travel (or much travel really) so no flying to report other than two trips back before 2001. I've taken Amtrak and were I to need to travel any distance in the states I'd look to Amtrak if possible.
I've been living in a 200 sqft tiny house for most of the past 15 years. It's located under mature trees in an area that is predominantly shady due to a pre-existing woodland which helps a great deal during the summer. Location is Missouri so fairly hot and humid.
Heating is currently an electric oil radiator and on average is kept at around 62° F daytime, 58° night. I'd like to get this down a bit lower. I bundle up in the winter, it's easy and cozy. Also, I'm in the habit of going for at least one dog walk a day, often two. And in the winter I find that after a walk I'm warmed up for at least an hour after. In addition to the heater I have a heat tape that is used to keep pipes from freezing in the small, covered space where my water pipes enter my cabin.
I also have a well house that has to be heated when outside temps drop below and stay below a certain temperature close to freezing. I've made this far more efficient in recent years, It's a small space. I use a fan and an electric oil heater. I've got a remote thermometer and smart plug. When the temp in the well house drops below 34 the heater and fan go on. When it hits 38 they go off. Also, heat tape for the pipes in the well house to keep pipes from freezing in the outdoor section.
During the summer my cabin is cooled by a mix of fans, outdoor air when possible. Once it get's hot enough outside that I can't keep the cabin below 79° I use a window AC at which point the average temp is around 77°. As much as possible I monitor and adjust. When it's cool outside I turn off the AC and open windows for fresh air, especially at night. It's a balancing process that also includes monitoring humidity. When the AC is on I find that a two fans easily allow me to be comfortable at 77°.
Cooking is mostly a microwave or small electric induction cooktop. I also have a small propane stovetop/oven for power outages and a small amount of baking in the winter. A small refrigerator/freezer for food. It's not mini but perfect for full time living and one person.
No hot water though I do use hot water to shower in a neighboring cabin that belongs to my sister and brother-in-law. I don't shower nearly as often as most people.
I have a mini wash machine for laundry, hang to dry.
I have a solar panel and battery for charging my iPad, iPhone and a set of USB string lights. It's also what I use to charge 4 batteries for a lawn mower which is used for various patches of grass. I'm generally not in favor of grass lawns and mowing but am currently trying to manage/remove an invasive plant, lespedeza, that has to be mowed. The alternative is to let it take over any open area which would be a signifiant loss of native species. So, I'm mowing minimally in areas that require it for foot traffic as well as to remove lespedeza.
My current average use of electricity is about 9 kWh per day which could come down a bit but probably not too much as that's mostly heating and cooling and I think I'm going about as far as I can go.
I've been mostly vegetarian for the past 33 years. Exceptions to that include occasionally eating some fish from the lake near my cabin. For a short time I also ate small amounts of venison when hunted by family. And when I come across leftovers from family I'll eat that whatever it is. I'd rather eat it than see it wasted.
In the summer I avoid cooking in the cabin as much as possible. I'll use the microwave but if I want pasta or anything that needs to significant time I'll do it in my little outdoor kitchen. Much of my summertime diet is easily done with no cooking.
In the winter I cook as much as I need as any residual heat helps keep the cabin warm.
Beverages: I stopped buying any kind of drink that comes in plastic, glass or aluminum. Currently I buy the following drink related products: pre-ground coffee, bulk spices for tea, paper containers of cocoa, soy milk and non-dairy creamer both of which come in lined paper cartons. Currently experimenting with composting those.
My primary rule of food consumption is to only purchase food that comes in steel or paper. I do allow for food that comes in plastic bags such as popcorn kernels, bread and tortillas. All other food comes in paper/cardboard or steel. This has allowed me to cut consumption of plastic to near zero. Exceptions to this: coffee which comes in a kind of vacuum packed plastic and vinegar that comes in plastic and is used sparingly.
In general I look for ways to reduce packaging for food and other household products. Example: I consume a LOT of peanut butter. After saving up quite a few wide-mouthed glass jars that peanut butter comes in I started buying bulk peanuts in 20lb bags. Every 10 to 14 days I just blend a new jar of peanut butter as I use them. It's minimal effort and 10 minutes at most. That leaves 1 plastic bag that I use over the course of several months to collect what little trash I have.
Personal hygiene and household products
Bar soap that's packaged in paper covers 99%. In the past I've very sparingly used dish soap in a plastic container but have cut this to near zero. I have a jug that I've had forever and only use it when I must. Toothpaste and deodorant both come in throw away packaging. For laundry I use the laundry strips.
Clothing and footwear
I almost never buy new clothing. Underwear, that's about it. Most of my current clothing is just stuff I've had for years or stuff that was given to me by family that were cleaning out closets. I've had to buy 2 pair of jeans over the past 5 years. Currently I've got several pair of boots that were donated by above mentioned family. Other shoes I've purchased. I walk A LOT so over the years I've gone through what I expect is more than the average consumption of shoes. That said I wear them until they are, literally, falling apart.
This is the area of personal consumption that I most need to improve.
My current flat screen LED tv is most certainly going to be my last. It's 4 years old but at the moment my plan is to not replace it. Instead I'll use an iPad or secondary computer display as a tv instead. That's what I'm doing currently and it works fine.
My day-to-day computer is a 13" iPad Pro. It's the 2021 model and I expect to use it for at least another year or two, possibly longer. I'll keep current iPhone for much longer. I have a Mac Mini (2021) that is usually turned off or, if on, is functioning as a file server. It will likely be the last "computer" I buy as it's a device I have as a back-up for work should the iPad fail for some reason.
My plan for electronics devices going forward, as it's been in the past, is to minimize frequency of upgrades as much as possible. I don't have a hard rule on this.
I'm using far less than the average citizen of the US but still using more than the average used in many countries. Just having a refrigerator, window AC and heater put me in a category above most of my fellow humans and thus, more than my share in the global context. That said the vast majority of my fellow humans are using far less than their fair share. There's a balance to be found somewhere far below the average energy/resource consumption in the US but also above the lowest.
Others posted in recent weeks: Michael's PEAAP